Friday, November 29, 2019

Julius Caesar an Iconic Roman

Introduction Based on my personal opinion, Julius Caesar was a highly influential Roman, as a leader and as an ordinary person. He is a person who greatly influenced the then Roman people, as well as the recent generations, including Western culture affiliates. He lived between July 100 BC and March 44 BC. Caesar was a statesman, Roman General, and a renowned writer of Latin literature.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Julius Caesar an Iconic Roman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He was a major actor in bringing about the gradual revolution of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Among the milestones of his life, in 60 BC, together with Pompey, he formed the political alliance, an establishment created to dominate Roman politics for a number of years. However, their attempts to converge power through populist movements, were greatly opposed by the conservative elite class within the Roman senate. These inclu ded Cato the younger, and Cicero. Caesar’s conquest over Gaul was accomplished by 51 BC, leading to the expansion of Rome’s coverage to the English Channel and the Rhine area. Caesar recorded the accomplishment of becoming the first Roman Empire, to cross both boundaries, after building a bridge across the Rhine and leading the first invasion into the British territory (Thorne, 2003). Discussion The accomplishments which Caesar achieved, marked him as an unmatched military leader, who would command massive military power, which led to his eclipsing of Pompey’s standing. The division of power among the two was further threatened by the death of Crassus in 53 BC. Later, the political realignments taking place in Roman rule led to confrontation between Caesar and Pompey, with Pompey assuming the course of the senate. Through the demands of the senate, Caesar was required to face a trial in Rome, over a number of charges. Instead, Caesar accompanied by one legion, m arched from Gaul to Italy, during which, he crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC. The march sparked a civil war, which left Caesar, the unopposed leader of the Roman Republic.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After taking up leadership over the government, he started widespread reforms of the Roman society and the government system. Further, he centralized the bureaucracy of the Roman Republic, thus was declared a dictator in precedence. Later on, a number of senators led by Marcus Brutus, ordered the assassination of Caesar in 44 BC, hoping that his death would help revert the system to the constitutional republic government system. However, the unexpected came about, as a series of civil wars took place, which led to the ultimate permanent establishment of the Roman Empire by Caesar’s adopted heir, Octavius (Augustus Caesar). The larger part of Caesars life was marked by his military en gagements (Thorne, 2003). During his time and after his death, especially among the Romans and his present day admirers, Julius Caesar was well-liked and revered for a number of accomplishments and traits. These include the view that he was a defender of the rights of the people of his time, against the ruling oligarchy. He is also revered as a highly ambitious person, who was able to push his way into dictatorial power, and bringing about the death of the republic, through his highly developed tactical leadership. Caesar is also revered for his gifted, versatile nature, which saw him amass great success in war, as an orator and a statesman in an effective manner (Thorne, 2003). Another area that has touched and influenced succeeding generation till the present time, is the literary ability of Caesar. His literary creations are highly revered and used as military references. These include the civil war literature (three books), and commentaries on the Gallic wars, which are document ed in seven books. This literature lives on, and is cited as beautiful and clearly drawn from Latin classic works. In the field of poetry, the only one of Caesar’s works which is traceable to the present, is a poem about Terrence. This piece has also received usage and reverence as a concise Latin piece, depicting the literal constructions of the then Roman society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Julius Caesar an Iconic Roman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In tracing his influence on the Western culture up to date, Caesars death, served to trigger his power and influence, which grew to the level of installing him as a central symbol of western culture and a mythic emblem. In contributing to the Western culture, the figure of Caesar has been adopted by historical figures like Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Madison Avenue, and George Shaw. For instance, Mussolini and Napoleon have given tribute to Caesar†™s crossing of the Rubicon in the protection of the dictatorial course they supported. Caesar has received credit as a one of a kind political leader. Credit is given to the social, economic, and political changes he caused on the Roman society and government. Caesar’s unique model is given credit and acknowledgement for the ability he showed in breaking the long-standing laws operating within the then Roman society. This serves to show him as a historical model, who may be emulated by the leaders of today, to bring about the changes that are needed within the history of government systems. Some of the revolutionary changes of Caesar, include his bringing of an entire army into the city, mainly because, prior to his act of disobedience, the army had not set foot inside the city of Rome. Caesar is seen as a proponent of changes, against the interests of the powerful system, proving the ability of changing socially constructed tolerance for undesired societal systems and stru ctures. Some of the lines or key phrases used or related to his life, are used in real life situations, to explain the directly unrelated events or occurrences. One phrase which has received such usage to a considerable level is, ‘Crosses the Rubicon,’ which is used as a figurative phrase to show the situation of going beyond the expected conventional levels. For instance, the phrase is used in explaining the cases, where an individual acts way beyond his entitlement, in terms of what he is allowed to do and what not to. These constructions show that his lines of action, mark milestones in marking real life events, which has held value for many generations after his death (Elton, 1996).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After his death, instead of his legacy dying and things returning to the way they were before he had got into the picture of political leadership, they got even worse, with the possibility of a return to the republic status becoming impossible. Instead, what happened was that civil wars started taking place, which threatened the leadership of the very people who had gotten Caesar assassinated. After all the civil wars and the deterioration in stability, the leadership fell into the hands of Caesars heir, Mr. Augustus Caesar, and not the rivals. The power of Augustus, further led to the permanent change to the empire status of the region, thus the hopes of reclaiming the republic status (Casson, 1998). The death of Caesar was more of a motivation to the Romans, and not a loss of their highly esteemed leader. This can be traced to the dramatic entry into power, which had clearly portrayed to the Romans, the ability of working against the common current or established negative principl es. After his death, the Romans were again woken up to the fact that they would expect the leadership imbalances eliminated by Caesar to resurface. As a result, the fear that a power struggle would take place empowered the Romans, which led to the revolt against the leadership change, thus the civil wars witnessed. This was highly unexpected, as Caesar, a declared dictator, had the support of all the people of Rome, and his death resulted in administrative imbalances. That helped serve the role of showing that he was more of a Roman’s leader, though a dictator. This trait has led to the long held prominence of this icon, thus the influence of Western leadership which comes along with it (Blackburn Holford, 1999). The key role played by Caesar in changing Rome and Europe in general, is socially, through the conquering of Gaul and the extension of the Roman culture into England, Belgium, and France. This was the unifying tie, between these varied lands of Celtic tribes into a unified common, in the fabric of the history of Western Europe as Romanic, and the Germanic Europe as a classic. These major revisions of the cultural aspects of Europe and other societies, have played a great role, in shaping the current world, which has directed credit to him, even thousands of years after his death (Adkins Adkins, 1998). Conclusion One highly revered figure in the history of the Western culture as well as the history of the globe as a whole is Caesar, a person who was authoritative in his time, and who grew more influential after his death. The areas that give this figure immense influence, include his pattern of leadership against the odds, as well as the historical role played in creating the Western culture. Thousands of years later, his name is as influential as it was after his death, both in leadership lines as well as other areas. References Adkins, L., Adkins, R. (1998). Handbook to life in ancient Rome. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Blackburn, B., Holford, S. L. (1999). The Oxford companion to the year. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Casson, L. (1998). Everyday life in ancient Rome. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Elton, H. (1996). Warfare in Roman Europe AD350-425. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Thorne, J. (2003). Julius Caesar: conqueror and dictator. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. This essay on Julius Caesar an Iconic Roman was written and submitted by user Silas Richards to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Floriance Kelly

During the progressive Era, Florence Kelley was an important person because of all of the contribution’s that she has made trying to improve child labor for women. There were many reasons for Florence Kelley becoming interested in reform and socialism, one of the people who influenced her was Friendrich Engels. Kelley knew of the conditions that needed to ch changed in her time. Those conditions that needed to be changed influenced her passion for reform and pushed her to work harder. Organizing a child labor committee and setting a form of minimum wages for workers were only a couple of the many things that Kelley did to contribute to reform. Karl Max also being one of her many influences was only part of how Florence Kelley became interested in Socialism and reform. The first time Kelley was introduced to social reform she was attending Miss Longreth’s School. Kelley became frustrated by the obstacles that her own society put against women’s participation in public life. At the University of Zurich there she joined a community of people who embraced the teaching of socialism. She became aware of these ideas and they helped her to inform the people of the abuse to poor working people and of their working conditions. These were many of the among reasons she became interested in reform. Of the conditions that were right in front of her she knew things needed to be changed. She was then hired to the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics to investigate sweat-shops and their systems. Florence Kelley knew that the working conditions were dangerous and people were getting harmed. During this time Kelley wanted to help the children in the working industries of the time. The children were being worked for very long hours and very little pay. They also worked in harsh and dangerous conditions. One of Kelley’s main concerns was the unequal treatment in society toward women. Florence Kelley made many contributions during her time as... Free Essays on Floriance Kelly Free Essays on Floriance Kelly During the progressive Era, Florence Kelley was an important person because of all of the contribution’s that she has made trying to improve child labor for women. There were many reasons for Florence Kelley becoming interested in reform and socialism, one of the people who influenced her was Friendrich Engels. Kelley knew of the conditions that needed to ch changed in her time. Those conditions that needed to be changed influenced her passion for reform and pushed her to work harder. Organizing a child labor committee and setting a form of minimum wages for workers were only a couple of the many things that Kelley did to contribute to reform. Karl Max also being one of her many influences was only part of how Florence Kelley became interested in Socialism and reform. The first time Kelley was introduced to social reform she was attending Miss Longreth’s School. Kelley became frustrated by the obstacles that her own society put against women’s participation in public life. At the University of Zurich there she joined a community of people who embraced the teaching of socialism. She became aware of these ideas and they helped her to inform the people of the abuse to poor working people and of their working conditions. These were many of the among reasons she became interested in reform. Of the conditions that were right in front of her she knew things needed to be changed. She was then hired to the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics to investigate sweat-shops and their systems. Florence Kelley knew that the working conditions were dangerous and people were getting harmed. During this time Kelley wanted to help the children in the working industries of the time. The children were being worked for very long hours and very little pay. They also worked in harsh and dangerous conditions. One of Kelley’s main concerns was the unequal treatment in society toward women. Florence Kelley made many contributions during her time as...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Jazz history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Jazz history - Essay Example While not specifically ‘jazz’ in the strictest sense, W.C. Handy’s contribution to bringing to blues to mainstream acclaim is well-documented. For his role in recording and popularizing what had previously been regional southern music, Handy is now referred to as the ‘Father of the Blues’. While ‘Memphis Blues’ is not Handy’s most famous recording (that honor belongs to ‘St. Louis Blues’), it perhaps has the most interesting story. The song was originally titled ‘Mr. Crump’ to criticize a local politician, but was actually adopted by that same politician to promote his campaign. Three years later the song was given different lyrics, and its name was changed to ‘Memphis Blues.’ In organizing the Clef Club, a ragtime band of assorted musicians, in 1912 James Reese Europe became the first proto-jazz band to perform at Carnegie Hall. In 1913 Europe became involved with a ballroom dancing group named the Castles. Europe’s musical accompaniments to the Castle’s ballroom dancing helped break racial barriers within the United States and Europe, and their recordings by the Victor label made them, along with the Original Dixieland Jazz Band’s works, some of the earliest known jazz recordings. No comprehensive history of early jazz recordings would be complete without including the Original Dixieland Jazz Band. The Original Dixieland Jazz Band are well-known as the first recorded jazz artists, beginning with their 1917 song ‘Livery Stable Blues’. While ‘Tiger Rag’ wasn’t the first recorded song, many critics regard it as their most popular.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Emergency Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Emergency Plan - Research Paper Example Emergency management process helps an organization or a society to reduce or mitigate the effect of disaster or an emergency. Emergency management includes training, planning, inspecting, conducting drills and testing equipment. Facility co-ordination and community wide activities are other major components of emergency management processes. Emergency management consideration describes several major operational functions. These functions can be considered as emergency management elements. These are direction and control, communications, property protection, life safety, recovery and restoration, community outreach, and administration and logistics. This report will describe all the emergency management elements in terms of Richard Facility Management. Resource management, information analysis and decision making system in an emergency is referred as direction and control. The configuration of a specific direction and control system is contingent upon several factors. Richard Facility management has own emergency medical technicians, fire team and expert hazardous material team. The emergency management group of this facility management organization is responsible for the broad picture. This group manages and controls all the incident related activities. On the other hand, the incident commander monitors technical aspects of the desired responses. This emergency management group supports the incident commander through effective resource allocation process. The emergence management group of Richard facility Management organization is controlled by the emergency director. The emergency director of this organization holds the post of facility manager. The facility manager controls and commands all the aspects of several disasters or emergencies, such as fire, flood, tornado, workplace hazards and several critical accidents. Senior managers within the organization have the authority to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Article review of Can Hamas Be Tamed Research Paper

Article review of Can Hamas Be Tamed - Research Paper Example Author however, further argues that this may not be the case as those organizations which took part into the elections and actually changed their political philosophy has little correlation with Hamas and that the overall evidence is really weak. Author also presented a history of Hamas and how it gradually evolved over the period of time. Evolved as an off-shoot of Islamic Brotherhood, Hamas operates based on the political philosophy of confronting with Israel and use violent means to achieve the same. After the death of Arafat, Hamas rolled itself as a political party and took part in the elections and subsequently won the election also. This participation by Hamas was however, not welcomed by both Israel and US despite the fact that Hamas actually made a transition towards participating in the overall democratic process within the country. Author further argued about the possibility of changing in the overall political ideology of Hamas due to Oslo Peace Process. Analysis Author h as presented two views about the participation of organizations like Hamas in the overall political process within country. ... According to Author, the skeptical view may hold because given the overall history of Hamas and the history of those organizations which actually participated into the overall political process is relatively less. Those organizations which have already participated into the liberal process were radically different from what Hamas preaches. Traditional history of violent groups also suggests that they may arise as a result of the suppression from the regime. Middle Eastern regimes often used the means to suppress any opposition against themselves and as such movements like Hamas can therefore easily find recruits who can participate in their struggle to overthrow regimes which work against the general interest of the masses. Author has also presented an alternative view according to which the diverse political opinions and the concern to attract votes, illiberal parties can make a transition to liberal ideologies if they participate into the election process. This argument is theoreti cal in nature and advocate that evidence does suggest that those groups who actually participate into election process ultimately become liberal in their overall ideologies. As such parties like Hamas therefore are considered as the subjects who can make a transition to liberal ideologies if given the chance. Author however, also argues that the overall political participation of the groups like Hamas also largely depends upon the local political context also. Author argues that the presence of a vibrant and strong political system is necessary in order to help organizations like Hamas to make a move towards more liberal ideologies. Further, according to author, it takes time for liberal ideologies to take roots in parties like

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Situation analysis and market plan for a UK bank

Situation analysis and market plan for a UK bank In UK I am working in a Harvest bank and I have to prepare a business plan for a bank in the situation when there was global recession in the country and now banking industry is coming out of recession. There are a lot of opportunities in the current market because new businesses are growing, new migrants are coming in the country specially students, many Europeans are also coming because of the recovery toward stability in the country. In this situation many sole proprietors and partnerships are taking place many people want to start business. There is an opportunity for banks so our bank can take benefits from this situation by launching an online bank because of the intervention of technology in banks which are reducing the costs, giving competition and tough time to every business so a banks. UK market analysis In a report from Office of National Statistic in opinion survey in August 2010 it was stated that about 30.1 million of adults uses the internet every day which is approximately 60% of the total population. The number of persons who never used the internet is decreasing day by day in every year about 9-10 million user adds in previous years. The number of person who bought the goods or services from online source was about 31 million in last year. This figure represent about 62% of all person who are above the age of 16, mostly people purchased sports and clothes from online. There was about 73% internet connection in houses for total house holds which is almost 19.2 millions houses. People use more internet connection in London than outer / other part of the London. Large numbers of people especially teenagers use internet for social networking websites like Facebook, twitter, Bebo, Twitter, Yahoo, Hotmail and others. So UK market is use to of the internet so they can also use internet online bank account because of the shortage of time, 24 Hrs banking, and all banking facilities through online. You can do online purchasing and check the banking transactions simultaneously. Time saving is a key factor for these types of banks and banking transactions, bank can reduce cost for its operations. They can give competitive edge in facilities as compare to there rivals and create a bench mark in the banking industry. Product and Technology Analysis In product and technology analysis, our Harvest bank is introducing manly two product in the UK market which are online direct deposit product and online residential mortgagees lending product which are very easy for Harvest bank to manage. These are the introductory products besides these we will launch other more products completion of the introductory phase of the above mention products. Customers want to get more and more facilities from new companies at a competitive price as well as new products with innovative features. From technological perspective in UK, it is well establish and there is well develop infrastructure which is capable of handling these types of business products. As we mentioned above that the technology is very cheap in the country, telecommunication sector is developed which is the basis of online banking because bank has to provide online and telephoning banking facilities so it is good for the new harvest online bank. The technology and telecommunication sectors are interlinked with each other in UK both sectors are well equipped and have a good technological infrastructure. Environmental Analysis In environmental analysis we will analyse both internal and external environmental analysis of the bank. by doing this we will be know that what strategies we will be need to achieve our objective / goal in the banking industry because of the competition in the banking sector. External Analysis In external analysis we our bank will look on the broader prospect and external environment out side the organization which will be helpful for our bank for making strategies efficiently and effectively. Political The political situation of the UK is stable, country is coming out of recession, govt and investors are investing in the country especially in stock market and financial market. FSA ( Financial Services Authority ) is making new policies for money laundering activities, customers satisfaction, quality services from banks, banking industry growth, and safe guard of depositors interest and the money. Soon when BASEL III will launch than there will be more regulatory policies for banking industry so it is better to launch bank now because the conditions and circumstances are good for launching a bank in UK now a days. Social, Demographic Cultural Social and Culture of the UK is mix people belong to different demographic sectors so there cannot be a universal rule or policies for the customer. We should be aware of the fact and formulate those policies which are beneficial for all public at large, which cover all the sector of the society. There is about 61 million population of the country, both male and female work together with about 55 and 45 respectively. There are equal opportunities of employment for every one. Every one is independent in this country so there are more opportunities for opening a bank account because people use to surf internet every day about 60% of the adults use internet every day which is lot so people will like to use online baking facility. Now days almost every one has mobile internet facility or smart phones which can enable customers to check web sites and internet on their phones which is good banks and customers. Economic The Economic situation of the country is making progress because of the fiscal and monetary policies of the country. Although the county was in the bad recession period of the time but now it is progressing toward recovery which is good for the country, banking industry is playing very important role in it by investing the economy which is the need of the time. In UK there is more import than export so there is deficit in balance of payment which is negative for the country. Although county more export is services, technology, machinery and innovation, but is not enough for the country because there is less productivity or industrialization in the country. Technological The technology of the UK is advance which is helpful for launching our online bank and its products. There is modern telecommunication system in the country which is wireless and fibre optic cables system. In banking industry there is IBAN and SWIFT code system exist which is very helpful for international banking. The infrastructures of ATMs exist in whole country which allow customer to withdraw their money at any time for their convenience, now in most of the banks there are ATMs machine which allow customers to deposit money in machine instead at the counter. Modern infrastructure of internet is very advance in the country which is top most requirement of the online banking. Market UK market consists of Govt. Semi govt. Public, private, corporate, insurance companies, teachers, students, self employed, job seekers and national residents. By the law of the country it is required by the companies, govt. Corporate entities, partnership firms and sole proprietors to have a bank account and do business transactions through banking channel, because they have to show in their business transaction for VAT, income tax return and companies house return that their business transactions are through banking channels. Thus online baking service will provide them a better and clear cut picture of business transaction and their needs. For employees they can get salary direct to their account which they can use for their needs. They have 24 hour access to their account transactions, any one can do banking at any time they dont have to wait for the opening hours of bank. Competition The UK market is well educated because more people are educated. The people already have a knowledge of online banking because there are different competitor in the market, main competitors are ING Direct, Metro and HSBC Direct other are Lloyds, Barclay, Natwest, Hlifax, Santander etc. Now in UK almost every bank is providing online banking facility but they have speciality in different fields but the ING Direct and Metro are main bank who are primarily in online banking. Metro was lunched just recently about one year ago and it is doing well so metro bank is our main competitor in online banking with recent launch, we should be aware of it. Besides these competitors there are many other competitors in the market like credit card companies and insurance companies. All of these companies are accepting deposits and providing traditional banking facilities like virgin group of companies it comes in insurance, banking and credit card. There are many other companies which are providing services which banks provide so there is more tough competition in the banking industry. Swot Analysis For SWOT analysis we have to look at the company internal and external environmental factors. In internal environmental factors we have to look at the bank from inside perspective i.e. management, organization it self, its policies / Strategies, human resource, bank infrastructure and customer satisfactions. Strengths Our Harvest bank already exists in the banking industry so it is our strength that our brand name exists in the industry customer and general public know our bank. There are a lot of customers in our existing bank which are helpful for our new banking product which will suit our existing and new customers. Our organizational structure is flat which is very helpful in decision making and efficiency of the organization. Most of our bank staff is young and energetic, they have the require capabilities and training for new technology and system which is progress, all staff is fully motivated. We have local staff in every city and town, who can attract the local customers. We have the best technological infrastructure for online banking requirement. Safety and security of the banking software is very high because they have the strategic alliance which top software manufacturing company of the company. Weaknesses Our staff is young they dont have much exposure of the competitor, customers and banking which can lead to poor performance and effect our reputation and high standard of service. We have a lot of competitors which are international and bigger than us, they have research department and more qualifies staff who can deal with legal, operational, technological and other changes. Our competitors have more correspondent banking relationship for foreign exchange business, we are not familiar with this so it will be difficult for us in this tough competition. Opportunities Harvest bank is well known in the eye of customers, govt. public and private sector so our products of online deposits and online mortgages will be easily taken by the customers. Country is coming out of recession, customers have not sufficient fund for deposits but we can take money from international financial market and invest in online mortgages services. In recession property prices went down now people are again investing in houses for save and secure investment purpose. It is good time for us to invest in mortgages for the persons who have less money for house by providing them competitive rate on property mortgages at the basis of credit rating / score of customer. Govt is encouraging house holder to remain in their property and providing them financial sport for mortgage instalment, it is save and secure investment. The competitive rates and pricing of the products provide us better image in the eye of the customers and we can attract customers. There is more scope for our bank to advertise through electronic media and create awareness of our product and services to attract customers. The tourism industry of Europe and UK is increasing alot of students, investors and migrants are coming which could be prospective clients for our bank for money depositing. In upcoming years there is more advance technology in banking when there will be no paper money and all the transaction will be through banking / online, we should be prepare for it. Threats Some clients still want to do business with our competitors Source: Office of National Statistic Opinions Survey Statistical Bulletin: Internet Access 2010

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of Nothings changed by Tatmkhulu Afrika :: essays research papers

The poem Nothing’s changed is based on an apartheid in district six near cape town in south Africa exploring the portrayal of racism. The ironic title reveals to the reader how the apartheid has changed nothing but the physical appearance of district six. The poet gives the reader the impression that the speaker in the poem has grown up throughout his childhood in district six and has left and returned after the apartheid has supposedly begun. The poem is written in enjambment and is said as a narrative, in stanza one the speaker has returned to district six that has evicted all its ethnic cultures to be replaced by a white minority, to find that the place is a shambles and people have no respect for it he talks about the â€Å"seeding grasses thrust bearded seeds into trouser cuffs, cans, trodden on† this shows how littered it has become, the fact he mentions it shows the reader it did not use to be like that. Also the mention of the â€Å"purple-flowering amiable weeds†, purple being the colour known for dried blood implies to the reader that some sort of massacre went on throughout the apartheid, and amiable meaning sociable and friendly as a mask over what is really going on in the village. The overall emotion in the poem is revengeful and tragic, however the emotion from the speaker is anger and repulsion towards the white minority and the way they have took over the black’s home, he is aware that he has entered district six without any acknowledgement towards his surrounding, the way he says â€Å"District six.† As a short sentence sounds cold but built up with anger, he knows where he is and he doesn’t particularly want to be there.† No board says it: but my feet know,† this gives the impression he has steps on this ground many times before for his own feel to be aware of its surroundings, â€Å"and the skin about my bones, and the soft labouring of my lungs, and the hot, white, inward turning anger of my eyes.† The repetition of â€Å"and† makes the wording like a list and makes out the speaker has endless bad feelings towards this environment. Afrika then talks about the new buildings that have emerged since he has been gone to illustrate the diverse condition between the two social cultures within his society. He talks about the new building â€Å"flaring like a flag† as if it is taunting him, â€Å"it squats in the grass and weeds,† this gives the reader a horrible impression of the place but also implies the building stand out of its surrounds, it doesn’t belong there. Analysis of Nothing's changed by Tatmkhulu Afrika :: essays research papers The poem Nothing’s changed is based on an apartheid in district six near cape town in south Africa exploring the portrayal of racism. The ironic title reveals to the reader how the apartheid has changed nothing but the physical appearance of district six. The poet gives the reader the impression that the speaker in the poem has grown up throughout his childhood in district six and has left and returned after the apartheid has supposedly begun. The poem is written in enjambment and is said as a narrative, in stanza one the speaker has returned to district six that has evicted all its ethnic cultures to be replaced by a white minority, to find that the place is a shambles and people have no respect for it he talks about the â€Å"seeding grasses thrust bearded seeds into trouser cuffs, cans, trodden on† this shows how littered it has become, the fact he mentions it shows the reader it did not use to be like that. Also the mention of the â€Å"purple-flowering amiable weeds†, purple being the colour known for dried blood implies to the reader that some sort of massacre went on throughout the apartheid, and amiable meaning sociable and friendly as a mask over what is really going on in the village. The overall emotion in the poem is revengeful and tragic, however the emotion from the speaker is anger and repulsion towards the white minority and the way they have took over the black’s home, he is aware that he has entered district six without any acknowledgement towards his surrounding, the way he says â€Å"District six.† As a short sentence sounds cold but built up with anger, he knows where he is and he doesn’t particularly want to be there.† No board says it: but my feet know,† this gives the impression he has steps on this ground many times before for his own feel to be aware of its surroundings, â€Å"and the skin about my bones, and the soft labouring of my lungs, and the hot, white, inward turning anger of my eyes.† The repetition of â€Å"and† makes the wording like a list and makes out the speaker has endless bad feelings towards this environment. Afrika then talks about the new buildings that have emerged since he has been gone to illustrate the diverse condition between the two social cultures within his society. He talks about the new building â€Å"flaring like a flag† as if it is taunting him, â€Å"it squats in the grass and weeds,† this gives the reader a horrible impression of the place but also implies the building stand out of its surrounds, it doesn’t belong there.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nucor Corporation Essay

Nucor Corporation is characterized by its owner? operators who take pride in their work and teams and as a result have created great profitability for a traditional steelmaker. Nucor is known for many things including its pay practices that base earnings on performance as well as the value and trust the corporation places in its employees. At Nucor employees are rewarded based on their effort, treated with great respect and empowered to make decisions based on their expertise and knowledge. Nucor is a unique organization among its rust? belt counterparts. To understand its success it is necessary to understand the leadership mentality, empowerment strategy, motivation and rewards base as well as its approach to change and innovation. All of these elements have turned Nucor into a desirable place to work with the potential for future success as it acquires new entities and grows. Leadership When looking at the Nucor Case Study, it is advantageous to discuss the leadership styles in relation to the Vroom? Jago Leadership Model as well as other concepts and issues of leadership. The initial leader to focus on is F. Kenneth Iverson, a former Nucor Steel President (1965? 999) and legendary leader. His leadership fostered the close? knit culture that exists even today. When Iverson and Sam Siegel, Financial Vice President, initially assumed leadership roles, they exhibited the AI Autocratic style at individual and group level in selling off many wide? ranging operations to focus on one area. They also made the decision to move corporate headquarters to where it is even today, Charlotte, NC. From that point leadership has continued to have a basis in the group with Nucor employees empowered to make decisions that will benefit the organization. Nucor Steel‘s leaders also exhibited other Vroom ? Jago leadership styles as they evolved to the present day. Iverson installed radical concepts giving employees better pay and real power exhibiting GII decision Style: willing to accept and implement employee decisions. Current CEO Daniel R. DiMicco uses a different leadership style when purchasing 13 new companies and instilling the unique culture in those new facilities. Nucor management, as a whole still focuses on the people in the front line of their business predominately using DI individual style leadership and GII group level decision style. Different perspectives of leadership also can explain Iverson and DiMicco. Both exhibit traits of charismatic leaders. The case study points out how employees are willing to accomplish tasks based on an emotional commitment to Nucor Steel. The example of electricians helping sister plants in another state on their own initiative shows, when crisis arose, the employees showed extraordinary behavior. All General Managers contact a new GM within 2 days of starting in a different factory, offering help, and meaning it. This behavior is unconventional, and counters to established norms in the current business culture. Only a visionary charismatic behavior from the leader could motivate such commitment. Leadership approaches discussed here point out that leadership is an exchange process with employees. A look at transactional leadership and transformational leadership helps further explain Nucor’s success. Transactional leaders help the follower identify what is done to accomplished desired results and ensure the resources are on hand to complete the job. Transformational leadership motivates followers to work for goals rather than on short term self-interest this leader is able to express clear vision and inspire other to accomplish that vision. Nucor’s management, in this case study continually exhibit transformational leadership attributes. When Nucor employees innovate themselves out of tight spots, the leader’s charisma has instilled this sense of value respect, and pride. The General Managers reaching out to the new GM shows leaders reaching out to help individual needs. These leaders allow the employees to rethink rational ways to correct problems, and do not intervene in work tasks unless people are sidetracked. The most important aspect of transformational leadership is charisma coupled with other roles. The deep emotional attachment to Nucor management is one facet of this style. These leaders also play the role of teacher, coach, mentor, reformer, or revolutionary further establish their transformational style of leadership. Power In addition to the various leadership styles and involvement of the employees and commitment to the organization there are different types of power between leaders and employees at Nucor. There is a lot of employee power at the Nucor Steel Company generating from the flat organization structure found within the company and the leaderships focus on employees. A standard joke in the company is that if you were a janitor and you got five promotions you would have the CEOs job. Unlike the pyramid structure that is found in other companies, at Nucor the CEO believes that he is the one who was at the bottom and he works for all the others in the organization. Power within Nucor, as in other corporations, comes from two places: interpersonal and structural. With the flat organizational structure at Nucor the majority of the power is interpersonal rather than prescribed by the organizational structure and layers of management. At Nucor employees have a large amount of power – specifically expert power. Expert power arises an individual has the ability to influence as a result of a highly valued expertise regardless of job title. Expert power is clearly exhibited in the case study when employees call upon each other (as in the case of the Hickman plant calling expert electricians from another plant) and when leadership entrusts decision making to employees. In addition to expert power, referent power is also common among Nucor employees. Referent power is based upon charisma – whether it is the charisma of the CEO or of the line worker, this type of power comes from interactions with others. Not only did Nucor leaders Iverson and DiMicco have structural power they also had referent power from charismatic leadership styles. Where interpersonal power results from expertise, attitudes and actions, structural power comes from the organizational structure itself. At Nucor with its flat hierarchy structural power is not the main source of influence or power. A type of structural power that is present is the decision making power of the employees. Individuals at Nucor have a broad range of decision making power as seen in the electrician situation. The decision making power is based on the premise that they will make the best decisions for the organization since their compensation depends on the organizational success. Motivation & Rewards When looking at the Nucor Corporation, it is important to understand why the employees are motivated to act the way that they do. Nucor has high job satisfaction which in turn brings improved job performance. This improved performance benefits everyone in the company instead of just management at Nucor. Herzberg’s two factor theory is utilized in the Nucor case study. The people from Nucor demonstrated there were motivators by traveling to fix a problem that was a great distance away. The people in this situation had achievement, recognition, and responsibility all in mind when they decided to take steps not required to help others in the organization. Achievement motivated the employees in the example because they knew that they were helping the company immensely and this would in turn help them. The recognition would be shown in their personal pay checks. The responsibility in this situation was the people agreeing to help out without any supervisors there to persuade them to go. Additionally, teams in Nucor’s situation are beneficial in motivation. People are willing to help one another because both people will be rewarded for a job well done. The mentality of â€Å"us guys† instead of â€Å"you guys† motivates people to form teams in a manner that is beneficial to the company. The hygiene factors in Nucor case does not apply to their company. The areas of dissatisfaction that most other companies face such as pay and security do not come in to account. The factory workers by percentage make a much more comparable amount to their managers in comparison to different companies. The primary reward for the executives at Nucor is financial compensation, including benefits. In their roles as executives, they naturally have many of what could be considered rewards by others in the organization. Autonomy, the ability to effect decision, and many other roles are a natural part of the role as an executive within an organization. The executive salaries are on average are a bit lower than average, while performance based pay is more and makes up more than 50% of total compensation. The performance? based component is primarily paid in the form of stock options and restricted stock. Options allow the holder to purchase the stock at a specified price, usually lower than market value. Restricted stock is direct partial ownership in the organization that vests over a period of time. These types of rewards are common among executives, as there is a direct correlation between how the company performs and the ownership stake the executive receives in the organization they have the ability to effect. The employee reward system contains both financial rewards (including benefits), as well as non financial. The average employee at Nucor makes $100k a year, 20% more than industry average. This reinforces the organizations belief that people are the backbone of the company, and further strengthens the commitment to try and retain its employees. One of the most difficult aspects to manage in the milling industry is the turnover and training of employees; Nucor has recognized this and used financial rewards to deter this from taking hold within its own organization. The employee also has intrinsic rewards available within the organization. They include: completion, autonomy, achievement, and personal growth. Moreover, they are all encouraged within the culture. This is most evident in the recalling of employees taking it upon themselves to help during a time of need. This allows them to grow, achieve a goal, make their own decision, and work until completed.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Eschatology: The Destiny of the Unsaved Essay

In answering Steve’s comment about the destiny of the unsaved certain definitions need to be dealt with along with reference made available to us and I have just what we need. Steve I understand what you have read and the comment was made from the standpoint of the author â€Å"Clark Pinnock. † However, if you will allow me to answer your questions in defining words such as; â€Å"Hades, Gehenna, Sheol, Eternal punishment, Annihilationism, Universalism, Hell and Apokatastasis. You also asked the difference between Hades and Sheol. Since we are dealing with Sotereology, Eschatology and Ecclesiology it is only fair that we reference the Word of God. Our definitions will come from Elwell Evangelical Dictionary of Theology and some citing from Towns, Theology for Today. In defining Sheol, Elwell (2001, 1099) notes,† A place where men experience rewards, or punishments that will come to them in final judgment and a place whose power cannot withstand the church. † Hades is noted as; â€Å"A grave or the place of bodily decay; a place of punishment for the wicked,† (p. 1099). Gehenna,† according to Elwell (2001, 480), is defined in this manner; â€Å"A place that shares some common ground with Hades/Sheol; however, both good and bad souls after death prior to judgment, while Gehenna is the final and everlasting place of punishment for the wicked following the last judgment. † In answering Steve’s question of the difference, if any, among Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna and the concepts that best corresponds to the traditional understanding of the eternal abode of the Wicked? Sheol and Hades best corresponds to the traditional understanding of the eternal abode of the wicked. Contrary to popular belief hell is explained in the Bible as a final place for the wicked, this will be brought out further in our discussion. As we continue on in our definitions, Elwell (2001, 395 Eternal punishment as; â€Å"One being cast into a lake of fire where the fire never goes out. † (Mark 9:43; cf. Luke 3:17). â€Å"He referred to ‘†hell,’† where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. ’† Elwell (2001, 64), further defines Annihilationism as â€Å"expressing the position of those that hold that some, if not all, human souls will cease to exist after death. Our next word is Universalism, Elwell (2001, 1232), defines the word as; â€Å"That doctrine which asserts that all men will eventually be reconciled to God. Universalist believes that the efficiency of the Atonement is not limited and therefore extends to all. † Furthermore, Elwell, (p. 548) states Universalist also believe that all will eventually go to heaven. † Elwell, (2001, 547) further defines Hell in a general sense, he notes; â€Å"Hell is used in Scripture to [describe] or refer to a place of future punishment for the wicked. As we have elaborated on the more detrimental states of eschatology there is another state that is quite attractive to the theologian and media evangelist. This state is better known as the Intermediate State, Elwell, (2001, 608 – 609), defines this as; â€Å"The period between death as an individual phenomenon and the final judgment and consummation. If Christian thought held to not final state of affairs for all creation, then perhaps ones final situation could be conceived as being settled at death. Elwell further include the theory of Purgatory; you will not be lost, yet God will be just. At the present time, with much awareness of life as a process or evolution, purgatory has also allowed for speculation about continued development of the soul. As such, it continues to be attractive for some in a greatly modified form. † Lastly, Elwell, (2001, 81), defines the Apokatastasis, he state that; â€Å"Jesus must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as He promised long ago through his holy prophets. Further, Elwell states that most evangelicals, while insisting on an eschatological restoration by Christ, deny the corollary assertion of the ultimate salvation of all humans. Now that we have defined the terms necessary, let me give you my understanding of the destiny of the unsaved from a biblical stand point as well. My understanding is that â€Å"Gehenna† or the â€Å"Lake of Fire† is prepared for the Devil and his angels, consequently the â€Å"Wicked,† or â€Å"Unsaved† after the â€Å"Great White Throne Judgment† will be cast into hell where they will spend â€Å"eternal punishment. † (Matthew 25:41, 46; Revelation 20:12-15). Towns (2008, 795) notes; â€Å"All those who are judged at the Great White Throne are consigned to hell because they have rejected God. Hence], The Great White Throne Judgment will determine the degree of punishment the rejecters will endure, based upon the nature of their evil work. † Furthermore, in my research the most common objection comes from many sources, however the objections used for an our example is that of the Universalist. Elwell (2001, 1232), notes; â€Å"Universalism is that doctrine which asserts that all men will eventually be reconciled to God. A Universalist believes that the efficiency of the Atoneme nt is not limited and therefore extends to all. † Furthermore, Elwell, (p. 548) notes, â€Å"Universalist also believe that all will eventually go to heaven. [The Scriptures biases for this belief are as follows]: (1 John 2:2; Philippians 2:10-13; 2 Peter 3:9; Romans 11:32; 2 Timothy 2:4). † Now Steve, there are many that may not share my point of view and that’s common in religious society. However, In responding to objections one has to point out that when Christ returns it will be for a â€Å"church without a spot or a wrinkle,† (Holy Bible, Ephesians 5:27). This does not mean that God does not love everyone, it simply means that He will save those who have answered his call to salvation (Holy Bible, John 3:16-21). All of this can be summed up in one word â€Å"Atonement. Elwell notes (2001, 114), â€Å"This truth is repeated, and enlarged upon in the NT, where it is made clear that all are sinners (Romans 3:23) and that hell awaits them (Mark 9:43; Luke 12:5). But it is just as clear that God wills to bring salvation and that He has brought it in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of His Son. The love of God is the mainspring (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). We are not to think of a loving Son wringing salvation from a just but stern Father. It is the will of the Father that all be saved, and salvation is accomplished – not with a wave of the hand, so to speak – but by what God has done in Christ. In reconciling the idea of hell and eternal punishment one has to understand the offer that Christ made to all mankind, (Holy Bible, John 3:16; Romans 10:9-17; Ephesians 2:1-22). Not only did God make the offer, but he also gave the consequence if one did not except Christ. God does not make our decisions for us; however, He has made a way of escape from sin to eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. What is the impact that my view of hell has on evangelism/missions? The impact that my view has on hell and getting the word out to all that will hear is to know that we all have a decision to make as for as our eternal destination. We can choose heaven or hell the choice is ours as individuals. The impact that I would like to make from this point on is to paint a picture such as explained in Towns, Theology for Today (2008, 802), â€Å"The Millennium will fulfill all the biblical desires that have been expressed towards it (Hebrew 11:10). That which brings joy and fulfillment to life will be included in the kingdom. Those things which produce sorrow or discomfort in life will be excluded from the kingdom of God. †

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Biostatistics in Workplace Essays

Biostatistics in Workplace Essays Biostatistics in Workplace Paper Biostatistics in Workplace Paper The term biostatistics actually came from the combination of two important words in the world of researching, biology and statistics. As the root words imply, it is the integration of biological study of life and the full analysis and application of statistical data in general (White, 2003). Such a domain is a specialized branch of statistics that mainly intends to come up with research and analysis results from biological perspectives. In general, biostatistics involves the statistical analysis in the fields of environment, agriculture, population, health care and genetics (ASA, 2008). How does biostatistics become beneficial to a work place? Relating to a personal experience biostatistics was practically important in the world of health care. Currently, I am an assistant in a medical laboratory of a hospital. My main task is to encode raw data of both the patients and pharmacy department to a computer, more like a medical transcriptions task. I have seen so many applications of biostatistics in my work place, first of which is in the segment of pharmaceutical and laboratory preparation of drug dosages for patients. With a good statistical know-how, the clinic that I am working for is able to determine the safest dosages of drugs depending on the level of illness. The previous biostatistics data that were collected from clinical trials provides a guide that will measure up the correct amount of penicillin and cloxacillin (both antibiotics) that is suitable for at each three levels of pneumonia. With the correct trials done, the laboratory is able to dispatch dosages in customized amounts for specific patients. Biostatistics plays a very important role in larger pharmaceutical entities such as those which manufacture commercial drugs. Another area where I found biostatistics important in my work place is in the field of epidemiology. Of course our health institution can only manage to do statistical research in smaller scopes but using the in-house researchers’ knowledge in interpreting data, the hospital is able to determine how many of its patients have possible contractions of Tuberculosis at any given time. Using probability measures of biostatistics applied to a Government data, the hospital has always been on the same side of monitoring how many patients should be quarantined to avoid cross-contamination. When it comes to providing nutrition to the patients, biostatistics also plays an important role. The concept is not as technical or as demanding as the previous scenarios but the use of statistical data in formulating a balanced nutrition is evident in our company’s health system. The research department is regularly updating the hospital’s â€Å"scientific menu† which is then translated by the canteen into sets of highly nutritious foods for the patients. Also, those with significant needs of specific nutrients have a carefully planned balance food system just in case the patient would like to avail of the canteen’s food services.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Unit 2 ip Presentation Essentials Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Unit 2 ip Presentation Essentials - Assignment Example Scientists believe that there should be some ways to produce more food to support all the people and considered artificial methods to produce food. A unique method known as genetically modified food is developed by the scientists that raised the amount of food produced by the farmers but many people are against the modifications in the food sector. However, modification in the food items is also brought by the environmental change and shortage or abundance of water resources. In the similar way, the utilization of toxic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers also become a reason in the modification of food products. The linkage between the global warming and the modification of bonds the human health. As the world’s food demand is increasing and the utilization of artificial methods is rising, the number of people that die with the lack of food is increasing (Kelly, 2012). The major cause is that the food producer is runs a business and in order to attain certain economic benefits in a short period of time, it become the necessity for the food produces to utilize the artificial methods to produce food. There is need to bring sustainability to the food industry. There is a need to plant vegetables, fruits and crops at homes, even a little effort can make a difference. The utilization of natural methods to produce food like the utilization of natural fertilizers like vegetable residue, dried leaves and wastes from humans and animals could be utilized as the natural fertilizer (Environment., 2012). Natural processes not only help the soil to retain its strength in retaining good minerals and fertilizers for the plant but also help the soil to retain water for longer periods. In this way, natural processes help to bring sustainability in the food sector. The major reason impacted the food is the increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide that influenced the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Leadership Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Leadership Analysis - Essay Example Also, being able to take initiative whenever there is a need. Leadership practices have helped individuals to portray a character of self discipline to enable them to work in various offices as if they owned the business personally (Blanchard, Fowler and Hawkins, 2005). This has enabled progress and increased processes involved in growth and development in various companies. This has also influenced living standards among individuals from diverse communities positively. Therefore, self-leadership should be encouraged in various organizations and departments, which will also help maintain and manage quality of goods and services offered by the organizations. Self-leadership has been found to increase levels of honesty in organization performance. Individuals who have learned how to operate and govern their operations in any department, can help reduce levels of dishonesty and help build a better relationship with the management team of the company (Northouse, 2011, 15) . Individuals should learn new skills in various operations undertaken in departments available in an organization. However, it has been noted that, to learn new and advanced skills in various fields, individuals need to be given the opportunity to explore new jobs and talents within their fields. To have better skills that can be considered as more valuable than those that previously existed, it has been noted that self leadership should be attained within the personality of an individual. In this case, having self drive and attainment helps ensure that an individual get to understand the difference between important skills and knowledge to learn, as well as those that are not considered important in the various operations undertaken in the company (Blanchard, Fowler and Hawkins, 2005, 6). This has been found to influence activities undertaken by individuals in various departments in the organization.